How to Get the Best Deal on an RV or Camper

Winning the Deal When Buying an RV
The surge in RV popularity has dealers coming up with unique ways to market and sell their inventory. Learn how to get a good deal when buying an RV and some tips on financing an RV. Get the best deal possible on your next big purchase.
Don’t forget to shop around.
This doesn’t just apply to buying an RV. It's the same principle that you hold to if you’re looking for a car, home or even a new pair of shoes. Get prices from as many different places as you can.
Just like buying a car or a home, you’re working against a seller who is trying to get as much of your money as possible while not driving you away. Different dealerships, even within the same town, will have different prices, interest rates and down payment requirements. You may be able to save yourself thousands of dollars just by taking the time to visit multiple dealerships.
And don’t be afraid to tell each of the lots that you’ve been looking elsewhere. If they’re motivated to make a sale, you may be able to catch them trying to outdo their competitors. Ask every salesperson what interest rates they offer on RV financing. They do not need to pull your credit to give you a rate, you just have to qualify for it.
You don’t have to buy new.
While many people think they need to buy a new, never-used option, this is simply not the case. You can often find an RV labeled as “used” that barely has any mileage. You’re probably going to want to make some modifications to any RV that you get. Therefore, buying a used model will actually free up some money in your budget to make customizations.
Do you have a brand in mind?
Just like any product, some RVs cost more simply because of the brand name that’s on them. While you certainly want to buy from a reputable manufacturer that produces high-quality campers, don’t get so attached to a given brand that you miss out on a deal just because of the name on the product.
You can regularly find comparable options from brands that aren’t as well-known. In other words, you could find something just as good for much less money. Keep your options open.
Buy at the end of the season.
According to TripSavvy, dealerships and manufacturers work on monthly and yearly sales cycles. This works in your best interests because if they haven’t met their quarterly or annual sales goals, you’ll be able to find an extremely motivated salesperson.
While it can be tempting to run out and make this purchase as soon as the urge really hits you, don’t be afraid to wait until the season or the fiscal year is winding down. Try to find a dealership that has a lot of excess inventory as they'll be more apt to work with you and you can leave with a better deal.
Why do you want to buy an RV or camper?
You can save a considerable amount of money simply by being honest about why you want to make the purchase. If you’re a retiree who is looking for a cross-country everyday vehicle to explore the nation, you’ll have a much different list of needs than the 20-something who is looking for a cheap yet roomy place to come home to in the evenings.
Don’t be afraid to buy a cheaper option if you don’t plan on logging thousands of miles a year in it. Identify the purpose for your RV purchase and shop accordingly.
Truliant can work with you to walk through financing an RV. We offer some of the best RV loans available. We are here to help you make your RV or camper dreams become a reality. Visit our RV page to help you know all your options or call us today to discuss in more detail at 800-822-0382.
The surge in RV popularity has dealers coming up with unique ways to market and sell their inventory. Learn how to get a good deal when buying an RV and some tips on financing an RV. Get the best deal possible on your next big purchase.
Don’t forget to shop around.
This doesn’t just apply to buying an RV. It's the same principle that you hold to if you’re looking for a car, home or even a new pair of shoes. Get prices from as many different places as you can.
Just like buying a car or a home, you’re working against a seller who is trying to get as much of your money as possible while not driving you away. Different dealerships, even within the same town, will have different prices, interest rates and down payment requirements. You may be able to save yourself thousands of dollars just by taking the time to visit multiple dealerships.
And don’t be afraid to tell each of the lots that you’ve been looking elsewhere. If they’re motivated to make a sale, you may be able to catch them trying to outdo their competitors. Ask every salesperson what interest rates they offer on RV financing. They do not need to pull your credit to give you a rate, you just have to qualify for it.
You don’t have to buy new.
While many people think they need to buy a new, never-used option, this is simply not the case. You can often find an RV labeled as “used” that barely has any mileage. You’re probably going to want to make some modifications to any RV that you get. Therefore, buying a used model will actually free up some money in your budget to make customizations.
Do you have a brand in mind?
Just like any product, some RVs cost more simply because of the brand name that’s on them. While you certainly want to buy from a reputable manufacturer that produces high-quality campers, don’t get so attached to a given brand that you miss out on a deal just because of the name on the product.
You can regularly find comparable options from brands that aren’t as well-known. In other words, you could find something just as good for much less money. Keep your options open.
Buy at the end of the season.
According to TripSavvy, dealerships and manufacturers work on monthly and yearly sales cycles. This works in your best interests because if they haven’t met their quarterly or annual sales goals, you’ll be able to find an extremely motivated salesperson.
While it can be tempting to run out and make this purchase as soon as the urge really hits you, don’t be afraid to wait until the season or the fiscal year is winding down. Try to find a dealership that has a lot of excess inventory as they'll be more apt to work with you and you can leave with a better deal.
Why do you want to buy an RV or camper?
You can save a considerable amount of money simply by being honest about why you want to make the purchase. If you’re a retiree who is looking for a cross-country everyday vehicle to explore the nation, you’ll have a much different list of needs than the 20-something who is looking for a cheap yet roomy place to come home to in the evenings.
Don’t be afraid to buy a cheaper option if you don’t plan on logging thousands of miles a year in it. Identify the purpose for your RV purchase and shop accordingly.
Truliant can work with you to walk through financing an RV. We offer some of the best RV loans available. We are here to help you make your RV or camper dreams become a reality. Visit our RV page to help you know all your options or call us today to discuss in more detail at 800-822-0382.