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Financial Wellness Webinars

Learn how to achieve your goals with the free financial webinars below.
Woman at laptop taking notes

Select from our many different topics and times below, and be sure to add them to your calendar. Whenever it's time, be sure to come back to this page to access your financial wellness webinar. Contact us if you have any issues registering for a class.

2025 Webinars

English Webinars
Spanish Webinars
*All times are in (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Presupuesto y gastos: Aproveche al máximo su dinero
Obtenga control sobre su dinero creando un presupuesto personalizado. Esta sesión cubre la clasificación de gastos, el seguimiento de gastos y la creación de un flujo de caja positivo. Descubra estrategias para priorizar el pago de deudas y ahorrar para alcanzar objetivos financieros significativos, todo ello manteniendo el gasto bajo control.
Enero 28, 2025
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.Registro
Budget Basics: Making Every Dollar Count
Gain control over your money by building a personalized budget. This session covers classifying expenses, tracking spending, and creating positive cash flow. Discover strategies to prioritize debt repayment and save toward meaningful financial goals, all while keeping spending in check.
January 28, 2025
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.Register
Investment Basics
The best investing strategy is a carefully planned and prepared approach to managing and accumulating money. A well-planned strategy can help you meet your short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals. Investment planning requires discipline and patience, but it doesn’t have to be difficult.
February 25, 2025
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.Register
Descifrando el código tributario: dominando sus impuestos
Simplifique la temporada de impuestos con una guía práctica para presentar impuestos federales y estatales en línea y en papel. Cubriremos opciones de presentación gratuitas, analizaremos los límites y niveles de ingresos y exploraremos cómo cuentas como FSA y HSA impactan sus impuestos. ¡Comprenda su declaración para facilitar el momento de los impuestos!
Marzo 25, 2025
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.Registro
Cracking the Tax Code: Mastering Your Return
Simplify tax season with a practical guide to filing federal and state taxes online and on paper. We’ll cover free filing options, discuss income brackets and limits, and explore how accounts like FSAs and HSAs impact your taxes. Understand your return to make tax time easier!
March 25, 2025
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.Register
Comprender y administrar el crédito
Gestionar el crédito de forma eficaz puede abrir puertas a las finanzasoportunidades. Este taller cubre los conceptos básicos del crédito, incluidos los tipos de crédito, cómo se calculan las puntuaciones y los Impacto de los informes de crédito en su vida. Aprender practico estrategias para mejorar su crédito, evitar errores comunes, y utilizar el crédito de forma inteligente para respaldar el éxito a largo plazo.
Abril 22, 2025
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.Registro
Managing Credit: Smart Strategies
Managing credit effectively can open doors to financial opportunities. This workshop covers credit basics, including the types of credit, how scores are calculated, and the impact of credit reports on your life. Learn practical strategies to improve your credit, avoid common pitfalls, and use credit wisely to support long-term success.
April 22, 2025
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.Register
Managing Student Loans
This workshop offers a guide to managing student loan debt. We'll explore the repayment options, explain the benefits of each, and outline the steps to repayment success. With insights on loan forgiveness, income-driven plans, and private loan considerations, you'll gain the tools to create a repayment plan that fits your life and financial goals.
May 27, 2025
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.Register
Gestión de préstamos estudiantiles
Este taller ofrece una guía para gestionar la deuda de préstamos estudiantiles. Exploraremos las opciones de pago, explicaremos los beneficios de cada una y describiremos los pasos para lograr un pago exitoso. Con información sobre condonación de préstamos, planes basados ​​en ingresos y consideraciones sobre préstamos privados, obtendrá las herramientas para crear un plan de pago que se ajuste a sus objetivos financieros y de vida.
Mayo 27, 2025
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.Registro
Man and woman at a personal financial checkup

Free Personalized Financial Help

Sometimes life can get us down or not go the way we expected. At Truliant, we totally get it. But no matter where you are on your financial journey, there's always room for improvement, for tweaking, and for rethinking. That's where we come in.

With our free Financial Wellness Review, we can look at your credit to help you improve your credit score in the short and long term while providing personal financial tips to get you where you want to go. To get started, stop by a branch, give us a call at 800-822-0382 or set up a virtual appointment today.